The concept of nature has been recognized as key to understanding the foundations of 13th century texts on political theory that started to be composed thanks to the Recovery of Aristotle's Politics. Historiography forged the notion of "political naturalism" in order to characterize those political theories which appeal to nature to explain the origin of the political order and the relationships among men, in opposition to those explanations invoking a convention, agreement or pact. In line with this understanding of "naturalism," an exclusionary -and therefore unyielding- opposition has been sought out in Aristotle in terms of nature and law. In this study, we will analyze the concept of nature as it operates in some of the most important "naturalist" theses, and we intend to demonstrate that, far from being explanatory, the physis/nómos opposition in the scope of human affairs complicates the means by which nature is understood in the theory of the pólis.References
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