The non-binding nature of consultative opinions of the Interamerican Court of Human Rights
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judicial competency
consultive competency
consultive opinion
international justice

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The non-binding nature of consultative opinions of the Interamerican Court of Human Rights. (2019). Revista Jurídica Digital UANDES, 2(2), 200-214.


The Viena Convention contemplates two competencies of the Inter-american Court of Human Rights: the judicial competency and the non judicial or consultive one. The exercise of the Court’s judicial competency has biding force, whereas consultive opinions are neither mandatory nor binding. Hence, what is emitted by them does not constitute veredicts or sentences even if they have the same structure. However, a State Party can still dispose their obligatory nature of verdicts or sentences in their jurisdictions. Consultive opinions have the role of guiding the states in the accomplishment and defense of the comprised human rights. Even if an opinion is emitted as a verdict, the consultive opinion has its own content regarding the sentences that belong to the Court’s judicial competency. For this purpose, the States Parties of the Convention constitute both competencies as different and peculiar institutions.
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