References and citation standards

APA standards and references

The articles must strictly follow text citation and reference standards in accordance with international standards currently in effect, as suggested by the American Psychology Association (APA) last edition.

The article’s authors are exclusively responsible for the list of references provided. Once the article has been accepted or published, no additions to the list will be accepted. The authors shall be responsible for the existence of each cited reference.

In-text citations: According to Corral (2018), “[e]l Derecho Civil no sólo está compuesto de normas o reglas legales, sino también de principios que inspiran esas reglas y que les dan organicidad, coherencia y solidez” (p. 29).

Reference list entry: Corral, H. (2018). Curso de derecho civil. Parte general. Legal Publishing Chile.

Journal article reference example: Facco, J. H. (2023). Vir bonus. Categoría hermenéutica del discurso moral, retórico y jurídico. Revista de Derecho Privado, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 45, 46-76.