The decision of the war in Argentina: between the Constitution, International Law and the political
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Military powers
International Law
National Constitution

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The decision of the war in Argentina: between the Constitution, International Law and the political. (2023). Revista Jurídica Digital UANDES, 7(1), 19-33.


In this paper we analyze the incidence of international law in determining the war powers of the State in Argentina. The constitutional question is to what extent international law affects the determination of the military powers of the State, both in those referring to ius ad bellum (the right to wage war) and ius in bellum (law in war). To analyze this question, we use the methodology of constitutional law and comparative law with the constitutional law of the United States. The comparison is relevant because of the similarities between American and Argentine constitutional order and the permanent influence that the former has had on the decisions of the Supreme Court, especially in cases related to military powers. The investigation led us to discuss the constitutional and political nature of the decision to involve the country in a war, which forces us to think about the issue from a political and constitutional theory perspective.
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