A study on holding referendums in Quebec and Catalonia twenty-five years after the rules of the game established by the Canadian Supreme Court
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A study on holding referendums in Quebec and Catalonia twenty-five years after the rules of the game established by the Canadian Supreme Court. (2023). Revista Jurídica Digital UANDES, 7(1), 68-82. https://doi.org/10.24822/rjduandes.0701.5


Twenty-five years afterble concluir que los estados divisibles (Canadá) admiten bajo cier tas condiciones la posib the Supreme Court of Canada issued its ruling on the secession of Quebec on August 20, 1998, this paper makes a focused study on the Canadian and Spanish political and constitutional systems, comparing the attempts secessionists of Quebec in 1980 and 1995 with what happened in Catalonia in 2017. So, it is possible to conclude that the divisible states (Canada) admit under certain conditions the possibility of holding referendums on the independence of parts of their territory, while such perspective is practically impossible in the indivisible states (Spain).
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