Effective judicial protection in European law and its organic and functional projection in public procurement
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Right to an effective remedy
public procurement
European Unión Court of Justice
European Commission

How to Cite

Effective judicial protection in European law and its organic and functional projection in public procurement. (2023). Revista Jurídica Digital UANDES, 7(1), 83-97. https://doi.org/10.24822/rjduandes.0701.6


The people’s rights and interests require a legal system that has institutions, principles and regulations that protect them and guarantee them against violations, all through fast, effective, and timely procedures, carried out by impartial and independent bodies, is say that they materialize the right to effective jurisdictional protection. Said right is part of the civilizing foundations of a democratic state based on the rule of law, and especially in the European Union it is guaranteed in its supranational institutional structure through the actions of the European Commission -indirectlyand through the Court of Justice, all this applying a series of instruments that specifically include this right, as in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. In this work, organic and functional aspects of the Commission and the Court of Justice are examined in order to make visible the connection between formal law and substantive law in the field of public procurement.
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