Turn the Page in the Sight of Radical Evil: Revisiting The debate Mignone-Nino on Forgiveness of Crimes Against Humanity
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transitional justice
authoritarian government
theory of punishment

How to Cite

Turn the Page in the Sight of Radical Evil: Revisiting The debate Mignone-Nino on Forgiveness of Crimes Against Humanity. (2023). Revista Jurídica Digital UANDES, 7(1), 98-117. https://doi.org/10.24822/rjduandes.0701.7


This ar t icle aims at reconstructing and discussing the Mignone v. Nino debate. Mignone, on one side, held the necessity of a robust punishment of all the military involved in the illegal repression of the latest civicmilitary dictatorship. Nino, on the other hand, maintained the possibility of a thin punishment that included only the highest military ranks. And, by the same token, Nino held that middle and lower ranks should be pardoned as they were justified because they acted under due obedience. He rejected the possibility of a robust punishment as that would provoke a serious risk to the novel constitutional democracy. History turned out to be on Nino’s side. However, the minute the military lost its power, the pardon policies ended up reverted. This work outlines the grounds for a pardon policy based on four steps as that would allow to overcome evolving circumstances.
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