The concept of person in Roman Law
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The concept of person in Roman Law. (2023). Revista Jurídica Digital UANDES, 7(2), 82-97.


The concept of a person is the budget of the entire legal order. However, in Roman legal sources, the word persona is presented exceptionally, and with a meaning analogous to that of caput. According to some authors, such as Alejandro Guzmán Brito, the concept would come from the Greek word πρόσωπον. For other authors such as Maurice Nédoncelle, it would come from the Etruscan word Phersu, which would have appeared in a historical period prior to that of the word πρόσωπον and would be linked to the name of the goddess Persepona, in whose ritual’s masks were used. In Cicero’s texts, the word assumes a full meaning in which the theatrical, philosophical, and legal meaning of the word comes together. The posterity of Christian Roman law will give this word a more defined meaning, linked to the individual as a rational being.

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