The concept of person and its role in our legal system. Critical analysis of the failure of the constitutional court that declared the constitutionality of the law that depanelized abortion in three causes
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function of legal personality
intrinsic dignity of the nasciturus
interruption of pregnancy

How to Cite

The concept of person and its role in our legal system. Critical analysis of the failure of the constitutional court that declared the constitutionality of the law that depanelized abortion in three causes. (2019). Revista Jurídica Digital UANDES, 2(2), 93-114.


This work aims to explain that the concept of person and legal personality is not a necessary and enough requirement to be the holder of rights, although it is to be considered as a subject of law in matters of legal relationships creating, modifying or extinguishing rights and obligations. And intends to do so, in order to critically analyze the Chilean Constitutional Court ruling, which declared the constitutionality of law N° 21.030, which decriminalized abortion in three causes, showing that the majority vote contains false, insufficient and logically and legally badly constructed assertions; that the conclusions to which said vote above subvert some fundamental concepts of the Science of Law and that ignores the will expressed by the constituent when, regarding to a modification of the Constitution, it was recorded that the unborn and conceived child had the right to life.
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