The scope of the duty of sincerity in the insurance of damages at the moment of notifying the accident and of declaring its circumstances and consequences
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Insurance contract
duty of sincerity
obligations and charges of the insured
utmost good faith in the insurance contract

How to Cite

The scope of the duty of sincerity in the insurance of damages at the moment of notifying the accident and of declaring its circumstances and consequences. (2022). Revista Jurídica Digital UANDES, 5(2), 39-60.


The article reviews the national doctrine and the scarce jurisprudence related to numbers 7 and 8 of article 524 of the Commercial Code, which each provide for the duties of sincerity. Faced with the absence of an express rule that determines when the company can legitimately reject coverage for transgression of these duties, it proposes some guidelines that address the duty whose fulfillment is weighed, the purpose it pursues and whether the inaccuracies or errors in them influences or not the duty to compensate and the amount of compensation, avoiding two extremes: that the insurer exacerbates the importance of any inaccuracies in the notification of the claim or in the subsequent information and that the insured does not make the minimum effort that allows the company to know in a timely manner the occurrence of the claim, its circumstances and consequences.
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