The judicial term to formalize. An adequate review in light of the rules of the criminal process
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Prior judicial review formalization
reasonable term

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The judicial term to formalize. An adequate review in light of the rules of the criminal process. (2022). Revista Jurídica Digital UANDES, 5(2), 112-138.


This article presents an analysis of the rule contained in article 186 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the effects of a non-compliance by the prosecutor in formalizing an investigation within the judicial period set by the Guarantee Judge on conform that rule, for this purpose it refers to the purpose of the rule under review, in order to subsequently address the positions that the doctrine and jurisprudence on the point has had on the point, in order to finally deliver a legal interpretation granting a procedural course, consistent with the guarantee of reasonable time, and with the need for criminal proceedings to reach decisions of a term with the effect of res judicata.
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