Biomedical research and determination of the capacity to consent in the Chilean legal system: the interpretative challenge of article 28 of law 20.584
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Biomedical research
law 20.584

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Biomedical research and determination of the capacity to consent in the Chilean legal system: the interpretative challenge of article 28 of law 20.584. (2023). Revista Jurídica Digital UANDES, 6(1), 65-80.


The recent health crisis has once again brought to the forefront the relevance of biomedical research, not only for the scientific world, but also for society in general. A thorough understanding of the criteria governing the practice of this discipline -especially in its ethical and legal dimensionscan contribute to the growing development of this type of research. This article aims to offer an approach to the legal framework in force, in relation to those provisions that regulate the participation of persons who cannot express their consent, among which are mainly those who suffer from mental and intellectual disabilities. In this sense, we seek to offer a harmonic interpretation of the normative precepts that establish criteria for research in this population group, specifically of the provisions of article 28 of law 20.584, considering that a literal exegesis of the norm could lead to the absolute exclusion of adults without capacity to consent, who are suffering from an acute and reversible health condition.
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