ADR devices are no longer approached as alternatives to state courts. On the contrary, they are growingly understood as complementary to them. This change directly affects the notion of access to justice. Today, mediation is the institution that attracts most of the doctrinal and practical interest. Despite all the benefits that arise of mediation, the institutions also show some problems that must be tackled. The enforceability of the settlement reached by the parties in the framework of a mediation proceeding is, by far, one of the most relevant issues to be dealt with. Despite the global acceptance of the need to ensure its enforceability, national legal systems provide many different approaches and solutions to this issue. This is especially evident when comparing the position usually supported in the European Union, and which stands on the need to homologate the settlement reached by a public authority for the agreement to be enforceable. The solution is upheld in many Iberoamerican countries, where the direct enforceability of the agreement is the main rule.References
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