Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020)

Comments of Jurisprudence

Carolina Helfmann M.
Publicity of municipal urban planning acts: comment on the Supreme Court’s Judgment No. 175-2020 (Inmobiliaria San Carlos S.A. with Ilustre Municipalidad de Las Condes)
PDF (Spanish)
José Luis de Marchena Vidal
Request for declaration of the existence of employment relationship between a delivery person or rider and electronic platform (Judgement of Labor Court of Concepción, October 5, 2020, No. M-724-2020)
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David Alejandro Rodríguez Guerra
The relationship between good faith, reasonable expectations, special or general provisions, purpose of the contract and significant imbalance in the letter g) of the article 16 of the Law N° 19.496: Comment to the sentence of the Supreme Court dated August 22, 2019, n° 9816-2019
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Patricio Ponce Correa
Proportionality on the application of sanctions for a major violation of administrative probity. Comment of the Supreme Court’s judgment Leal Condeza with Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles, No. 18823-2019, March 2, 2020
PDF (Spanish)
Ignacio Letelier Jofré
The resurgence of the Theory of Unpredictability as a matter of lege ferenda in times of pandemic and the opening of the Supreme Court to embrace it (commentary of the sentence of the Supreme Court, Role number 28.122-2018)
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Álvaro Quezada Vidal
Extinctive prescription of the patrimonial effects derived from the public law nullity action: Criticism to the current majority posture of the third room of the Supreme Court
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Javiera Mulet Santibáñez
Self-dismissal and union immunity compensation: Commentary to the Supreme Court’s ruling of July 1, 2019, No. 2.405-2018, "Arancibia Morales Sara vs. Inmobiliaria y Constructora Fundart Ltda. and other"
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